Is Brown Bread A Healthy Option? White Bread Vs Brown Bread

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sliced bread on gray surface
Photo by Mariana Kurnyk on

Brown bread is considered and labeled as a healthy alternative to white bread, but have you ever checked the back of the brown bread to know its ingredients? I hope you don’t. Let’s check if Brown Bread Is Healthy Or Not!

What Is In The Bread?

Essentially, bread is made up of four main ingredients, flour, water, salt, and yeast or baking soda. Salt is a natural antioxidant, and it serves as a natural preservative, enabling us to store bread longer, it enhances the taste of bread and strengthens gluten strands, which is the main reason for using salt in bread.

There are a number of differences between white bread and brown bread. White bread is usually made from maida, or refined wheat flour, and is more delicious than brown bread. Brown bread is made from 100% whole wheat and has added color, texture, and flavorings to make it soft and tasty.

Is Brown Bread Healthy? Brown Bread Vs White Bread

It is common to choose brown bread over white bread, thinking that it is a healthier option, but if you examine the back of brown bread, it is clear that it contains only a certain percentage of whole wheat bread and artificial preservatives, as well. Even, in some brown bread brands, you can find using both refined and whole wheat flour, and they label it as brown bread, and here comes the question ‘ Is Brown Bread Healthy?’

Astonishingly, they color the bread with artificial color to make it look more brown. This is how they get the intense color. Some caramel colorings produce cancerous substances, caramel is the same substance that is added to several cold drinks to create a brown color.

If you take a closer look at the back, you will get to know that there are many ingredients available inside the brown bread, which is directly or indirectly harmful to our health. So, brown bread cannot be a healthy food item to include in our daily life to be healthy.

Is Brown Bread Good For Weight Loss?

Weight loss depends mostly on calorie intake and burning calories. So, whether you take brown bread or white bread or anything, that will not change anything directly. If you want to get an idea about How To Lose Weight By Using Calorie Deficit Technique then you need a perfect calculation of your body and daily recommended calorie intake.

But brown bread has some advantages over regular white bread. As long as it is included in a perfectly calculated weight loss journey, brown bread can help you lose weight. It contains plenty of fiber and other nutrients, so you can take a break from eating more calories for an extended period without getting hungry again. 

This can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite. So, directly no food can affect weight loss, but indirectly it can boost your weight loss journey.

Are There Any Healthy Alternatives To Have In The Breakfast Instead Of Brown Bread?

In the morning, you may enjoy Daliya, a whole grain cereal that can be prepared with milk, or you can have oats with milk, which are made of healthy grains, and oats can also be consumed with vegetables. You can take fruits for breakfast and almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and cashew nuts for breakfast is a healthy addition, including sprouts would also be a good choice in the morning.

After a brief conversation, we have come to know that brown bread is not a healthy option to eat regularly. So, What Should You Do Now? Worried, Right? If you love bread and just don’t give up eating those tasty bites of bread, then you can make it at your home in a healthy way. There are a lot of recipes available on the internet for homemade bread without adding any harmful chemicals and preservatives. So, the debate ‘Brown Bread Vs White Bread’ ends here with a detailed overview of both breads. Be Wise, Stay Healthy! 

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