Is Diet Coke A Healthy Alternative Over Regular Coke?

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Diet Coke is a trending drink people prefer nowadays over regular Coke drinks due to their no sugar and zero calories USP. But there are some health concerns related to diet cokes that need to be debunked. 

Is Diet Coke Good Or Bad For Your Health?

Diet Coke contains artificial sweeteners that are not that bad for you if taken at a minimum level. But it has the artificial sweetener aspartame, which is related to many health problems. The admixture of aspartame and acesulfame potassium in Diet Coke is not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children.

People choose diet Coke over regular Coke to cut down their sugar intake. But sugar intake should not be replaced by artificial sugars as these are also not suitable for overall health. So, the final answer to the above question would be that diet coke is bad for you if taken excessively without knowing the facts and it’s not that bad for you if taken at a minimum amount or occasionally. And of course, children, lactating and pregnant women should completely avoid this drink.

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Is Diet Coke A Good Option For Weight Loss Journey?

When on a weight loss journey, sugar cravings are common. But cutting down sugar consumption during the weight loss journey is a must for everyone. Over the years, the Coke company established a belief among those people by marketing their Coke as a sugar-free diet Coke. So, people who want to lose weight started preferring Diet Coke over regular Coke.

But diet coke can make the journey more complicated by increasing the appetite level and sugar cravings and indirectly it can lead to weight gain if someone can’t control the simulation of hunger hormones. Moreover, the ingredients contained in a diet coke can be the reason for a lot of health-related issues. So, it is a wise decision to avoid using Diet Coke for weight loss.

Is Diet Coke Really Sugar-Free And Contains No Calories?

Diet soda typically contains carbonated water, artificial sweeteners, colors, food additives, and flavors. It contains little to no calories and is nutritionally inert. Anything with no or zero calories can’t be a healthy option except for water.

Some Possible Side Effects Of Diet Coke:

a can of coke on a table in black and white

Diet coke or diet soda is may related to various side effects on health over the period if taken excessively. Some possible side effects related to diet coke are, 

  • It can negatively affect the normal function of the gut.
  • It may be the reason for tooth erosion.
  • It may cause migraine headaches
  • It may decrease the density of bones
  • It may be related to heart disease
  • It may boost sugar cravings and weight gain indirectly
  • It may increase the chance of type 2 diabetes

The Bottom Line

Diet Coke can’t be a healthy alternative to regular Coke. Even, regular Coke is also not a healthy choice. But this is not always possible to completely avoid such carbonated drinks as these are extensively mixed with our day-to-day life. So, the practical solution is to avoid taking these drinks on a daily or regular basis. Choose to drink it occasionally and live a healthy life.

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